Prophet Ilyas

Prophet Ilyas (Elijah) is mentioned in the Quran, primarily in Surah As-Saffat (Chapter 37), verses 123-132.

The Holy Quran
Chapter 37, verses 123-132
And Ilyas was indeed one of the messengers.
˹Remember˺ when he said to his people, “Will you not fear ˹Allah˺?
Do you call upon ˹the idol of˺ Ba’l and abandon the Best of Creators—
Allah, your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers?”
But they rejected him, so they will certainly be brought ˹for punishment˺.
But not the chosen servants of Allah.
We blessed him ˹with honourable mention˺ among later generations:
“Peace be upon Ilyas.”
Indeed, this is how We reward the good-doers.
He was truly one of Our faithful servants.

Prophet Ilyas was sent by Allah to guide the people of Israel, who had deviated from the path of righteousness and were worshipping idols. He called them to worship Allah alone and to abandon their false beliefs and practices.

Despite facing opposition and persecution from the idolaters, Prophet Ilyas remained steadfast in his mission and continued to convey Allah's message with patience and perseverance.

One of the most famous incidents involving Prophet Ilyas is his confrontation with the false prophets of Baal. He challenged them to a contest to determine whose deity was the true God. The false prophets built an altar and called upon Baal to send down fire to consume their offering, but nothing happened.

Then Prophet Ilyas built his altar and called upon Allah to send down fire, which immediately consumed his offering, proving the truth of his message and the power of Allah.

After this miraculous event, Prophet Ilyas fled into the wilderness to escape the wrath of Queen Jezebel, who sought to kill him. Allah provided him with sustenance and protection in the wilderness, where he continued to worship and seek guidance from Allah.

Prophet Ilyas also performed other miracles, such as bringing rain during times of drought and raising the dead to life. His unwavering faith and devotion to Allah earned him a place of honour among the prophets.

According to Islamic tradition, Prophet Ilyas did not experience death but was taken up to heaven alive in a miraculous event known as the Ascension (Al-Isra).

The story of Prophet Ilyas in the Quran serves as a reminder of the importance of faith, perseverance, and trust in Allah's guidance. It teaches us that Allah's power is absolute and that He supports and protects those who remain steadfast in their devotion to Him.