A Girl's Reply That Silenced an Atheist

A little girl outsmarts an atheist in a witty exchange during a flight. What starts as a casual conversation quickly turns into a powerful lesson on humility and knowledge.

An atheist sat beside a young girl on an airplane. Glancing at her, he turned and said,

"Would you like to talk? Flights go by quicker when you chat with your fellow passenger."
The girl looked up. "What would you like to talk about?"
The man shrugged. "Oh, I don’t know. How about why there is no God, no Heaven or Hell, and no life after death?"
The girl paused, closing her book slightly. "That could be interesting, but let me ask you something first."
The man nodded. "Go ahead."
She asked, "A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same food—grass. Yet, a deer produces little pellets, a cow excretes flat patties, and a horse leaves behind clumps. Why do you think that is?"
The man hesitated. "I have no idea."
The girl smiled. "If you don’t know shit, do you really feel qualified to talk about God, Heaven and Hell, or life after death?"

Then, without another word, she went back to reading her book.