"Allah has 99 names but Jesus ain't one."

99 names of Allah

The name Allah derives from the words Al, meaning 'The', and Ilah, meaning 'Deity', or an object of worship.

Therefore, Allah is the only deity worthy and deserving of worship. The name Allah is genderless and has no plural. From this we capture how unique and profound this name is. It refers to a being we should love and commit ourselves to; the one who is worthy of all praise and the only one to whom all worship is due. This name is so powerful that is comprises of all the 99 names you will come across in this section.

"It is truly I. I am Allah! There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Me. So worship Me ˹alone˺, and establish prayer for My remembrance."
The Quran
| Chapter 20, Verse 14
Ad Dharr
The Distresser
'Ad-Dharr' (The Afflicter). This divine attribute signifies Allah's power to bring about harm or difficulty as a form of trial or justice. It highlights His absolute control over all aspects of existence, reminding believers that any adversity faced is part of His divine wisdom and plan. Understanding 'Ad-Dharr' encourages patience, trust, and reliance on Allah in times of hardship.
An Nafi’
The Propitious, the Benefactor
Ad-Dharr, An-Nafi’ is the One who makes harm reach to whoever He willed and benefit to whoever He willed.
An Nur
The Light, The Illuminator
The One who is Light and has created light He placed in the heavens and earth to lighten them. An-Nur is also the One who illuminates the hearts of the believers with knowledge, faith and guidance.
Al Haadi
The Guide
The One who is the source of guidance. He is the One who sent prophets and messengers to guide mankind, guides the senses and hearts and directs His servants to the Straight Path.
Al Badee’
The Incomparable Originator
Al-Badee’ is the unique Originator. He is the One whose incomparable power originates, invents and brings into existence all of the unique creation without following any prior model or unlike any similarity to anything that ever existed.
Al Baaqi
The Ever-Surviving, The Everlasting
The One that the state of non-existence is impossible for Him.
Al Waarith
The Inheritor, The Heir
Al-Waarith is the supreme Heir. He is the One to whom all creatures return. all possessions return to Him when their possessor is gone and it is He who remains after the whole creation has perished.
Ar Rasheed
The Guide, Infallible Teacher
The Guide to the Right Path, The One who guides.
As Saboor
The Forbearing, The Patient
The One who does not quickly punish the sinners.