"Allah has 99 names but Jesus ain't one."

99 names of Allah

The name Allah derives from the words Al, meaning 'The', and Ilah, meaning 'Deity', or an object of worship.

Therefore, Allah is the only deity worthy and deserving of worship. The name Allah is genderless and has no plural. From this we capture how unique and profound this name is. It refers to a being we should love and commit ourselves to; the one who is worthy of all praise and the only one to whom all worship is due. This name is so powerful that is comprises of all the 99 names you will come across in this section.

"It is truly I. I am Allah! There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Me. So worship Me ˹alone˺, and establish prayer for My remembrance."
The Quran
| Chapter 20, Verse 14
Al Waliyy
The Protecting Associate
The Protecting Friend, Patron, and Supporter.
Al Hameed
The Praiseworthy
The One who is praised and is praiseworthy. He is the only One who deserves each manner of praise, honour and thanks for His inherent qualities and not only for specific favours.
Al Muhsee
The All-Enumerating, The Counter
The One who the count of things are known to Him.
Al Mubdi
The Originator, The Initiator
The One who started the human being.
Al Mu’id
The Restorer, The Reinstater
The One who brings back the creatures after death.
Al Muhyee
The Giver of Life
Al-Muhyee is the only One who can bring something to life. He creates from nothing and surrounds all with the right conditions to survive until He decrees life to end. Then He resurrects life on the Day of Judgement and all of this is easy for Him.
Al Mumeet
The Bringer of Death, the Destroyer
The One who renders the living dead.
Al Hayy
The Ever-Living
The One who has a continuous life with no beginning or end. His Life with all His Attributes are perfect end there is no end to His existence. He was before all else, so shall He remain throughout endless time.
Al Qayyoom
The Sustainer, The Self-Subsisting
The One who is established on His Own and by Whom all things subsist. He sustains, protects and oversees. He provides, preserves, watches and manages all that exists. He needs no food nor drink, for He is the One who feeds but is not fed. He is absolutely free of any need from all of the creation.
Al Waajid
The Perceiver
The Finder, the Unfailing.
Al Maajid
The Illustrious, the Magnificent
The Glorious, He who is Most Glorious.
Al Waahid
The One
The One who is unique in His essence and He has no second, no partner, peer or rival. He is the one source from which all of the creation springs forth.
Al Ahad
The Unique, The Only One
The One who is unique in both His essence and attributes. There is no one or nothing like Him and He was, is and will forever be the unequaled amid indivisible Only One.
As Samad
The Eternal, Satisfier of Needs
The One who is eternal, unaffected and unchanged. He is the One who can satisfy each need in a way He knows is best, while He is without any needs. He is the One upon who all of the creation depends, while He depends on no one.
Al Qadeer
The Capable, The Powerful
The One who has perfect, complete Power and Ability. By the Power of Al-Qadeer the creation is brought into being, life and death is given and by His power the resurrection and recompense will be established.
Al Muqtadir
The Omnipotent
The One whose Might is Great and through His overwhelming Power Al-Muqtadir controls all His creatures. He subdues everyone and everything in His domain. His decree prevails in every situation.
Al Muqaddim
The Expediter, The Promoter
Al Muqaddim, Al Mu’akhkhir is the One who puts things in their right places. He makes ahead what He wills and delays what He wills.
Al Mu’Akhkhir
The Delayer, the Retarder
'Al-Mu’akhkhir' (The Delayer). This divine attribute signifies Allah's authority to postpone or delay events and outcomes according to His perfect wisdom and timing. It highlights His control over time and destiny, reminding believers that delays in their lives are part of His divine plan. Understanding 'Al-Mu’akhkhir' encourages patience, trust in Allah's timing, and acceptance of His will.