"Allah has 99 names but Jesus ain't one."

99 names of Allah

The name Allah derives from the words Al, meaning 'The', and Ilah, meaning 'Deity', or an object of worship.

Therefore, Allah is the only deity worthy and deserving of worship. The name Allah is genderless and has no plural. From this we capture how unique and profound this name is. It refers to a being we should love and commit ourselves to; the one who is worthy of all praise and the only one to whom all worship is due. This name is so powerful that is comprises of all the 99 names you will come across in this section.

"It is truly I. I am Allah! There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Me. So worship Me ˹alone˺, and establish prayer for My remembrance."
The Quran
| Chapter 20, Verse 14
Al Kabir
The Great
The One Who is incomparably great. His Essence is unimaginably great Perfection, in might, power, wisdom and mercy in all His Attributes. He is the Most Great. He is far too great to be compared to any of His creatures; His creatures can never be like Him.
Al Hafidh
The Preserver, The Protector
The One Whose power preserves the heavens and the earth. He is the Guardian and Preserver of all the worlds. Al-Hafeedh is heedful of all the actions that we perform by His Knowledge and He protects His slaves from all kinds of hardship and evil.
Al Muqit
The Nourisher
Al-Muqeet overwhelms everything with His power and is responsible for all things with His comprehensive and all-inclusive knowledge. He is the Powerful Maintainer and oversees all that exists, sending down provision to His creatures and sharing it out among them, taking care of all living beings.
Al Hasib
The Reckoner
Al-Haseeb is the Bringer to account of His slaves; He knows their deeds, their lifespans and all their affairs. He is the One Who is sufficient; He takes care of all His slaves. Al-Haseeb keeps record of all actions and then He will requite them according to His wisdom.
Al Jaleel
The Majestic
The One who is attributed with Greatness of Power and Glory of Status.
Al Kareem
The Most Generous, The Most Esteemed
The One Who is the Most Generous, continually giving forth the most precious bounties to His creation. He is Al-Kareem in His essence, He is the most esteemed and honoured because of His Perfection and Oneness. He is Al-Kareem in His dealings with His creation. He forgives, He follows through and His giving exceeds all expectations.
Ar Raqeeb
The Watchful
The One Who is closely watching over His creation, hearing, seeing and knowing everything. He is the Observer and Witness who is never absent from the scene. Ar-Raqeeb watches you wherever you are, whatever you do, and whenever you do it and He even knows your unspoken intentions.
Al Mujeeb
The Responsive One
The One Who answers prayers end responds to requests of those who ask and to the call of those who call upon Him by helping them according to His Wisdom in dealing with their affairs. Al-Mujeeb will often give you more than what you ask for, because He will respond to you with what you need and what is best for you.
Al Waasi’
The All-Encompassing, the Boundless
The One Whose expansive essence encompasses the whole creation. His capacities and the meanings of His Attributes are without limit and in abundance. The power, mercy, generosity and knowledge of Al-Waasi’ are boundless. His authority never ends and His domain is endless.
Al Hakeem
The All-Wise
The One Whose wisdom is perfect, free from any error or misunderstanding. His divine will is executed with His divine wisdom, which means He does everything in the most appropriate way in the best place and time.
Al Wadood
The Most Loving
The One Who is the source of all love and affection. His Love is intense, constant and lasting. Al-Wadood is the One Who is deserving of all love and affection! Al-Wadood loves the believers and the believers love Him more than anything.
Al Majeed
The Glorious, The Most Honourable
The One Whose essence is the perfection of majesty and glory. He is dignified, glorious end exceedingly generous. Al-Majeed is the only One Who deserves all praise and honour due to His excellence in both His Being and Actions.
Al Ba’ith
The Resurrector, The Raiser of the Dead
The One who resurrects His slaves after death for reward and/or punishment.
Ash Shaheed
The All- and Ever Witnessing
The One Who is ever observing everything and everyone He created. The One Who witnesses the seen and the unseen, all actions and even thoughts and intentions and He is the ultimate Witness on the Day of Judgement.
Al Haqq
The Absolute Truth
The One Who is the the and truly-existing. His essence is the only reality and He is the One through whom the truth, all righteousness and justice are revealed. His Word, Actions, Reward, Punishment and Promise are the truth.
Al Wakeel
The Trustee, The Disposer of Affairs
The One who can be entrusted with all affairs. He is the ultimate Trustee, guardian and administrator of all things and we can trust in the fact that Al-Wakeel will provide the perfect resolution for every matter.
Al Qawiyy
The All-Strong
The One Who is beyond all weakness. His strength is supreme. unlimited and inexhaustible. Before Him the strength of anything or any one is insignificant and so does the greatness of any one held as great.
Al Mateen
The Firm, The Steadfast
The One with great firmness. He is the owner of all strength and His nature is the utmost firmness and steadfastness. He is the One who can easily overcome anything through supreme firmness and strength of determination.